Momondo is a travel fare aggregator managed by KAYAK, a division of Booking Holdings. It aggregates travel data from multiple sources, allowing users to search and compare airfares across multiple channels. Through Momondo meta-integration, online travel agencies, tour operators, hoteliers and car rental companies share data with Momondo. In return, Momondo displays this aggregated data every time a user searches for a result.
Momondo was founded in Denmark in 2006 and is managed by KAYAK, a subsidiary of Booking Holdings. As a metasearch engine, Momondo can find and compare the best prices on flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation packages.
Additionally, Momondo does not sell travel products. Instead, it provides a platform that connects travel service providers and travelers. Whenever a user clicks on the most valuable deal, Momondo redirects the user to the vendor’s website. So that users can make reservations directly with suppliers. Basically, Momondo shares its visitors with partnering OTAs and increases their sales ratio.
As a result, OTAs, tour operators, hoteliers and other travel service providers are investing in Momondo meta-integration as part of their sales strategies. Since Momondo handles a large number of visitors on a daily basis, it is easier to be seen by customers on the platform.
Why OTAs need Momondo meta-integration
Metasearch engines are a cost-effective way to promote your brand. Today, travelers search for flights, hotels or other travel services in metasearch engines rather than specific airlines, OTAs or hotels as it displays results from hundreds of suppliers. It becomes easier for users to get offers. Therefore, working with a metasearch engine allows you to mix your distribution channels and increase your chances of making more sales.
OTAs can work with Momondo through Momondo API integration. It allows them to share data with Momondo so that Momondo can further use your fares whenever a user searches for a specific route that you serve. You don’t need to pay high commissions to Momondo because it works on a pay-per-click model.
It can redirect users to your website, thereby driving direct bookings. This is also good for your branding. Since tickets are generated under your brand name, it helps with your marketing.
final gain
Online travel agencies and tour operators need to consider investing in Momondo meta-integration. If you haven’t integrated yet, now is the time you should. You may need some process documentation and an agile development team. For your convenience, Travel Portal Solution can assist you with the integration process. It also helps you monitor and analyze customer data to increase brand awareness and conversion rates.